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4 min read
There is Something Better Than Finding a Soulmate
They say that when we’re choosing a tennis partner it is best to find someone that plays better than us so that it will help to improve...
5 min read
I'll Show You Mine, If You Show Me Yours: How to Know if our Emotional Wounds are Compatible
The first meaningful gift he gave me was a box full of dark challenges. From the outside, anyone might have mistaken them for sweet...
4 min read
Ode to My Rock Bottom
Thank you, rock bottom. I needed to see my dignity spilled all over the floor like a grown woman with a bladder problem in the middle of...
6 min read
The Way We Were(n't)
“Your girl is lovely Hubbell” ~ Katie to Hubbell in the closing moments of The Way We Were Katie’s words sting with bittersweet...
4 min read
Love, Betrayal and What it all Means about Us
When I was in my twenties, I fell madly and deeply in love with a man I had met in college. He was an exchange student and so upon...
6 min read
How Our Narcissistic Tendencies can be Healed: an Inspiring Story.
“You can’t build joy on a feeling of self-loathing.” ~ Ram Dass Once upon a time, in a house full of shattered hopes and dreams, there...
4 min read
Boundaries, Standards and Other BS
"Boundaries and standards” — sounds like a boring college lecture as dry as a nun’s _____. But after attending a rather not dry talk on...
4 min read
Feminism & Chivalry don’t need to Sleep in Separate Beds.
We. Are. Confused. Open a car door, pull out a chair, help with a coat, pick up the check, give up your seat on public transport—what’s a...
8 min read
Love Lessons from the Heart of Darkness: the Aftershocks of Suicide
Like a TV crime drama, I go over and over the possible details in my mind: The way they must have opened the gurney, lifted his body,...
1 min read
How Time Flies
a small murmuration in the distant sky toyed with my aging vision as it pulled left, right, up, down, in and out, behind, between, clouds...
7 min read
How to Fuck a Porcupine; Healing the Intimacy Dilemma
“The Porcupine Dilemma” is an analogy that traces back to the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer in the 1800s. It describes the...
3 min read
Soul Fucking
Soul Fucking is not your parent’s intercourse. Nor is it your everyday run of the mill shag. It’s also not a hemped up, hit that,...
4 min read
Soul Fucking: A How-To
A number of readers asked me to provide a “how to” for my recent blog: “Soul Fucking.” While I did touch upon the elements in that blog,...
2 min read
The Weight Under the Words
When I tune in and take a listen to my inner chatter, it's usually filled with detailed, nonsensical, swirling, truncated narratives...
2 min read
Fat Queen
the tongue recognizes sweet in a way the rest of the body cannot. i have often settled for what the tongue can discern long before any...
1 min read
Learning to Swim
We all have inner floodgates that we keep tightly locked. Sometimes, just finding the key and placing it in our hands is enough for now....
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